What are digital visas and how do they work?
With the Covid-19 pandemic, teleworking was extended, a new way of carrying out work tasks from home. The Internet connection and the use of applications that allow remote meetings such as Zoom or Meet facilitated this whole process. With the passing of these two years, it has been implemented in many companies as the common way of working, this allows the company to avoid certain infrastructure costs and provides workers with a more comfortable job and without the need to travel through the big cities.
This great change has meant a before and after in the conception of work. It also entails certain social advantages such as the commuting of workers to the offices, which means large traffic jams at peak hours, noise pollution, air pollution due to car fuel… Many of the companies that established teleworking proposed an initiative known as “digital nomads”. This consists of accrediting its workers with visas that allow them to live in other countries, but that they can continue to carry out their work in the company from this new country.
Digital visas help workers get to know new cities and be able to enjoy their stay there with the convenience of company permits. In the European Union it is called an ETIAS authorization. There are differences between tourist visas and digital nomads, normally digital nomads get to stay in a country for a shorter period of time, usually not longer than three months. On the other hand, tourist visas allow the worker to stay for one year.
The favorite destinations for digital nomads are usually Caribbean islands such as Barbuda or the Cayman Islands, since the few conditions they impose to reside in these locations In terms of Europe, Croatia is one of the most popular destinations along with the Czech Republic, the cost of living in these countries is lower than in most European countries. And finally, Canada is a country that offers many possibilities for people who telecommute in addition to having a quality of life that is superior to other parts of the American continent.
It is a reality that the world is changing and as a consequence the way people work. Thanks to the digital world, there are multiple job opportunities that are more accessible to the new generations. The development of technology has made it possible to build a more globalized world that links all sectors and countries. If you want to know more about the digital world, do not hesitate to contact us for the next courses on the metaverse.