The new trends in employment: Quiet quitting and quick quitting
Two new trends emerge in the United States among young people and spread to the rest of the world.
The first is called “quiet quitting” and is based on performing the job under the law of minimum effort, that is, doing the basics so that they cannot fire you.
In social networks some recommendations are suggested to challenge the work system, how to set limits on your tasks, do them within your schedule, stop feeling guilty for not doing more work than the corresponding one, give priority to efficiency and try to avoid long meetings and unproductive.
On the other hand, the practice of “quick quitting” implies leaving the job in less than a year if the employee feels dissatisfied.
These two techniques are carried out by millennials. Although these practices now have names, many people do them without knowing that there is an official terminology.
These tendencies arise as a response to the abuse of unfair and unworthy jobs. Young people want to work with decent conditions but it is often complicated. Therefore, young people begin to lose motivation and look for other jobs where they are appreciated and paid more.
Young people prioritize their health, they seek to be able to promote in their positions and to be able to train, a two-way communication and they want feedback where they are given an emotional salary.